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Past Events

Pleasant Saturday Afternoon

by Editor

Our afternoon began with a community lunch at 12.30 pm followed by a brief AGM before hearing our guest speaker at 2.00 pm.

The guest speaker, Janice Stockigt, an Associate Professor at the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, University of Melbourne, spoke about an historic visit to Bautzen by the Saxon Elector and his musicians in 1733.

Her illustrated talk was of absorbing interest to our members, many of whom have visited Bautzen in the past.

The venue was the Ivanhoe Lutheran Church, 27 Livingstone St, Ivanhoe, and this occasion was our final meeting at the venue.

As an item of interest, Sigrid Burford has kindly supplied three photographs of the inaugural church service at the Ivanhoe Lutheran Church, Livingstone Street, in 1963.