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Articles of Interest

These articles relate to Wendish migration and settlement in Australia. Members and other interested readers are invited to contact us to submit relevant articles for possible publication on this site.

Into the Red Heart

by Hans Wilhelm Finger

Hans Finger has kindly given permission for the Leichhardt chapter of his book “Into the Red Heart” to be published on our website. A few formatting changes, and the omission…

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The Development of Prussia from c.1000 to 1806 CE and Beyond

by John Noack

This article, can be downloaded as a pdf:  The Rise and Fall of Prussia An accompanying map is also presented in pdf form: Prussia Map

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Lutheran Church of Australia’s 175th Anniversary

by John Noack

John Noack has kindly submitted the following article for publication: Lutheran Church 175th Anniversary

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The 1854 Voyage To Australia by the Malvina Vidal

by Robert Wuchatsch

The Malvina Vidal brought more than fifty Lower Lusatian Wends to Australia, most of whom settled in South Australia. Wends arriving aboard the Malvina Vidal included the Borrack, Fladrich, Grozeschka, Jarick, Kilo, Kniel, Kolosche,…

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Pastor Andreas Kappler

by John Noack

Please find below, a link to an article about Pastor Kappler as an Independent Lutheran Pastor. The Lutheran Archives in Adelaide made available to our Germanic/Wendish and Lutheran Heritage Library…

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Rev J. F. Noack’s Postcard Albums, 1905

by John Noack

The year 1905 was a highlight in the life of Pastor J. F. Noack (1876-1958). Before this date, he had been born in 1876 at Peters Hill near Riverton in…

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The Nekla Old Cemeteries Route Project

by Anitta Maksymowicz

Our society has received the following communication from Anitta Maksymowicz: I thought you might be interested what happens in Poland and concern forefathers of Australian emigrants, thereofre I am sending…

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How Lusatian Sorbs were inspired by Welsh rebels

by Elisa Ribbe (Bukecy/Hochkirch)

During their visits in Lusatia many members of the Wendish Heritage Society will have noticed the bilingual signs at the outskirts of the towns and villages and in the steets….

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Emperor Napoleon and the Wends

by John Noack

Some Wendish families have handed down stories about how their family’s male members were required for war service in a decade of Wars between 1805 and 1814 and that canon-balls…

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by Robert Wuchatsch

German and Wendish immigrants first settled at Westgarthtown near Melbourne in March 1850. Most had arrived in Australia the previous month aboard the Pribislaw, after a six-month voyage from Hamburg. They…

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