Visit to East Germany, Sept–Oct 2009
by Clay KrugerIn planning this journey, Klaus Hattwich and I (Clay Kruger) aimed to follow the trail of Martin Luther (1483-1546) in Germany, also to focus on visiting cathedrals, palaces, churches and other historic venues. Our first port of call was London. T...
Guided Tours of the Westgarthtown Heritage Trail
by Rob WuchatschWhittlesea Cemeteries Tour
by the EditorThe Yarra Plenty Regional Library presented talks at the Mill Park Library, 394 Plenty Road Mill Park (Melway Map 10 C2) on Whittlesea's Cemeteries, followed at 1pm by a bus tour of the Yan Yean Cemetery on Saturday 31 October, 10.00am-4.30pm. The...
Freshwater Creek’s 150th Anniversary
by June WinterThe 1859 Hamburg Ships’ 150th Anniversary
by John NoackThe International Settlers' Group celebrates the 1859 Hamburg Ships
Report on Dinner
The 150th Anniversary of the arrival of the 1859 Hamburg Ships to Melbourne was celebrated at a Dinner held on Friday 16 October at 12 noon at th...Archival and Family History Display at Luther College
by John NoackDuring the LCA Convention from Friday 2 to Monday 5 October 2009 held at Luther College, Croydon, Victoria, the Wendish Heritage Society displayed Wendish books and posters, items of traditional Wendish national dress, and a powerpoint display for Co...
The Warrayure “Trinity” Lutheran Church’s 100th Anniversary
by Moira Nagorcka100th Anniversary Celebrations at "Trinity" Warrayure (a farming community between Hamilton and Dunkeld, Victoria) were held in the church, the hall and the school on 22-23 August 2009, involving about 500 people over the weekend. In some families, a...
Clarrie Handreck (1936–2009)
by Graeme Cook, edited by John NoackClarence Paul Handreck was born on 16 September 1936 in Murtoa in Victoria's Wimmera to parents Alma and Bill Handreck. He married Helen Lees on the 22 December 1962 at the Lutheran Church in Mildura and they had three children. He died on 20 July an...
Correspondence from the Sobe family in Lusatia
by Betty HufPSA Emigrants from Lower Lusatia
by the EditorMembers and friends attended our Pleasant Sunday Afternoon (PSA) at Ivanhoe Lutheran Church at 12.30pm. It included a community lunch, our Annual General Meeting, and an illustrated talk on the Emigrants from Lower Lusatia. At our 2009 AGM we hear...